Molecular Diagnostics Services, Inc.
A Contract Research Organization

Virus Production & Purification Services

Molecular Diagnostic Services offers general laboratory services in the field of virology. These include bulk production, purification, and assay of both human and animal viruses from small research quantities to large-scale production. MDS has extensive experience in the production of a variety of human and animal viruses. Crude and purified virus can be provided either as infectious or noninfectious preparations or can be further processed by genomic isolation, viral protein analysis, or other molecular virology techniques or services. Following is the list of currently available virology services. MDS is always ready to customize protocols to your specific needs.

Adenovirus & Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) Services

Replication-deficient recombinant adenoviruses and AAVs offer an efficient way for the delivery of genes into cells. Serotype 5 adenovirus, for example, has been shown to infect most mammalian cell types including primary and transformed cell lines derived from humans, mice & rats.

In support of laboratories dedicated to the development of research tools and gene therapy, MDS has structured the following research and development services:

Construction of Recombinant Viruses High Titer Stocks

MDS offers recombinant adenovirus construction services using the AdEasy System from Stratagene or any transfer vector system of your choice as outlined below:


AAVs: MDS offers recombinant adenovirus-associated virus construction services using the AAV Helper-Free System from Stratagene or any transfer vector system of your choice. as outlined below: Immunoassay services include: In vitro viral assays

MDS offers QPCR assays to detect the presence of human, bovine or porcine viruses for both raw materials/additives and cell lysates. Testing of cell lysates derived from master cell banks (MCBs) and cells at the limit of in vitro cell age is strongly recommended, even if the particular MCB was produced without the use of bovine- or porcine- derived additives. Even though a cell bank can be adapted to grow without those additives, the parental cell line could have been exposed to bovine- or porcine- derived reagents or both at some point in its history. 
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